Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Glass Web Icons

Web icons provide classy and clean look to your website making its design eye-catching and professional. Nevertheless this effect should be reasonably used because it can be harmful for the design perception.

Nowadays Glass web icons are extremely well-known elements of web-site or blog decor. This glass icon style imparts the ideal, clear and professional look to your internet site, presentation or desktop and embodies a kind of the "Web 2.0" spirit.

Pluses and minuses of the glass icons usage.

In spite of the elaborate and intricate feel and look of the web icons designed in the glass style, it is obvious that the process of their creation is rather simple. You can create Glass icons within a couple of minutes using Photoshop, Illustrator or Corel software. All you need is some helpful tutorial, some skills of working with these pieces of software program and the images you are going to turn into glass web icons.

The glass effect is considered to have been borrowed from the Apples OSX operating-system style and copied by Windows. Some may believe that Glass web icons are so strongly associated with Apple product that the glass-styled elements make people think of the completely different brand which makes the usage if this type of web icons worthless, but the advantages of the glass icons style are obvious.

One of the most essential feature of the modern web-site is social bookmarking web icons. If you want to have got a great advantage for the internet site promotion use eye-catching glossy icons for this reason. Eye-catching social bookmarks improve the possibility of the visitors clicking on them and the amount of the clicks increases correspondingly. As a result you'll be able to promote and bookmark your content more effectively.

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